Yaoi 3D porn cartoon The Quarry – Midsummer night sex. Pairing: Jacob Custos & Bobby. English language

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28 Feb 2024
When the penis was halfway in, Ryan stopped, giving time to get used to it. While Lenivi, breathing heavily, adjusted to the foreign body inside him. Erzaler bent over him, catching someone else's lips with his lips. Dylan extended his arms forward, wrapping them around his neck and pulling the guy closer to him, he returned the kiss. Without breaking the kiss, Ryan pushed back, almost leaving the body, and pushed in again, in one sharp movement, entering right to the base.

- Ahhhhhh! Fuck! It hurts, damn you! — a pain shot through the bottom, but it immediately began to subside. Dylan felt like someone else's dick was reaching into his stomach. But soothing kisses distracted from the pressure from below.

“Be patient a little, I promise it won’t hurt anymore,” “Bitch, if he squeezes like that, I’ll definitely hurt him.” “Ryan was in no less pain, it was hot and tight inside, and it was driving him crazy. But if it had been someone else in Lenivi’s place, he wouldn’t have held back and started pounding into him, but this is fucking Dylan. Dylan is the Dylan who supported and energized everyone. This is the Dylan you want to hide and not show to anyone.

A couple of minutes passed, but it seemed like an eternity to Erzaler before Lazy hesitantly pushed towards him. Moving his pelvis, he came out halfway, pushing inside again.

“Ah,” a quiet groan reached Ryan’s ears, and he began to gradually increase the amplitude, trying not to change the trajectory.

“Damn, fuck, faster, please...” Dylan was ashamed to ask for such a thing, but the slow thrusts were torture for him, his whole body was asking for release, and his dick was again standing at attention, swaying and dirtying someone else’s stomach with each thrust.

Finding Lazy's face with his hand, Ryan pulled him towards him, drawing him into a kiss and pushing his tongue into his moaning mouth, and with his other hand he grabbed the guy under the lower back, picking up a fast pace.

The room was filled with quiet, incessant groans and squelching sounds. The spankings echoed in Dylan's head, but now he didn't care, he wanted it faster, deeper and stronger.

“Please, stronger...ah,...damn, I like you so much,” now the guy didn’t really understand what he was saying, and Ryan liked to think that he was the reason for this.

Having pulled out of the guy, he turned him over, again putting him in a knee-elbow position, immediately bursting into the supple body for the entire length, Ryan changed the angle of penetration to enter harder, as Dylan asked.

- Stop! Too deep, stop! — Lenivi grabbed the guy’s thigh with one hand, trying to slow him down, but she was grabbed and twisted behind her back. All the guy's requests were ignored, Ryan took a fast pace, almost pulling out and slamming into the body again.

“You asked harder, so get it,” the right buttock was burned by a blow from the palm, and then the left, from the imperious voice Dylan almost came, if not for the guttural growl somewhere from behind when he began to pull his hand out.

- Damn, Ryan, please! I can’t take it anymore, really, I want to cum,” the thrusts slowed down, as if the guy was mocking Lenivi.

“Ask me,” the kiss fell on the shoulder blade, causing the guy to shudder.

- Um... what? Right now or something... ah-h... hmm,” Dylan tried to wave, but someone else’s hands pressed him to the floor, not giving him a chance to move, but the second hand was now free.

- Say: “Daddy, fuck me so hard that I won’t be able to sit down tomorrow”, come on, I know you can say it - “Is he serious? This is not Ryan. The Ryan I know would never say that. But damn, he's really hot."

“I won’t start moving until you say so.” Yes, Erzaler may be pretending to be a sweetheart, but inside he also has a beast that Dylan awakened.

- Fuck, dad... daddy... yes, fuck, are you serious? — the answer was a new slap on the reddened skin of the buttocks. - Daddy... daddy, fuck me so... so that I can’t sit down tomorrow, are you satisfied?

“Even very,” sharp jolts immediately knocked all the air out of the guy’s lungs. Lazy tried to find a foothold, but his sweaty palms kept sliding over the tangled fabric of the blanket.

Ryan put one hand under the guy, cupping his swollen penis, and began to jerk him off in time with his thrusts. Dylan only needed a couple of movements for stars to flash before his eyes and a wheeze to escape from his throat. Unconsciously squeezing his penis inside himself, he poured himself into someone else's palm.

Erzaler had no less, after three or four thrusts he poured himself inside the guy, squeezing the tender skin on the guy’s thigh with his fingers, so much so that bruises would definitely remain there. After waiting a few seconds, he collapsed next to him, pulling the guy, who was softened after an orgasm, into his arms.
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