Yaoi porn cartoon Resident Evil – Double anal for our boy. Pairing: Mr. X & Leon S. Kennedy. English language

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28 Feb 2024
Leon really tries to relax as the first finger slides into the tight ring of muscle. It turns out bad. Now it’s not so much painful for him as it is unusual and unpleasant, but he understands that this is just the beginning. He tries to concentrate on something far from the Tyrant's fingers stretching his ass. And he almost succeeds, until the tyrant touches, plunging his fingers deeper, an overly sensitive point. Along with the still mild pain comes something pleasant. Leon bites his lip, trying not to make a sound, but the tyrant notices his changed reaction and repeats his movement. Again and again. Tightly slowly, gradually spreading your fingers inside, each time touching the prostate.

Leon does not immediately realize that he is whining subtly, almost pleadingly, like a deprived dog, and leans back when the tyrant removes his fingers from him. A hot knot of arousal snakes down the stomach and tightens in the groin. “Lord... not this... Seriously? Am I turned on by a gray guy in a hat?..,” Leon tries to get away from new sensations, he is both funny and disgusted with himself, but the web of these feelings breaks, giving way only to blinding pain when the tyrant enters him. Deliberately slowly, returning and thrusting again, he inserts his penis almost all the way, forcing Leon to arch and breathe frequently noisily in an attempt to hold back the approaching tears. The tyrant lets go of his hands, and Kennedy is able to brace himself against the table in front of him, biting his knuckles as he makes another painful movement inside himself. Huge palms stroke his sides, getting under his clothes, not holding him too roughly. The pain begins to recede, and, seeing Leon’s breathing even out, the tyrant changes his angle. Leon sinks his teeth into his own fingers, but does not have time to stop his frankly obscene moan. The tyrant seems to like hearing that voice, because he grabs Kennedy's wrists again with one hand, holding his hip with the other, and begins to move more actively. Leon bites his lips until it bleeds, but still moans loudly in a hoarse voice, breaking into a cry: the walking killing machine does this job too well. Damn good.

The bulletproof vest is off, his shirt is pulled up above his shoulder blades, and with every push Leon slides across the tabletop, hot and damp from his own sweat. Finally giving up trying to control himself, he pushes himself onto the thick dick, listening to the slaps of the skin and his broken voice.

Leon is again glad that none of his possible colleagues survived. And hopes that there is no video surveillance in this room. Kennedy certainly won’t be able to explain why he was being fucked by a dangerous biological weapon on his office desk while he was on the verge of losing consciousness, moaning like an actress from a cheap porno.

The tyrant, barely slowing down, turns him over and looks with obvious satisfaction at the man's flushed face, covered in traces of his seed. Leon catches the eye of the dilated pupils and reaches up. The monster understands him without words, easily sits him down and picks him up, tearing him away from the table. Leon squeezes the collar of his cloak until his fingers hurt, trying to hold on, but is forced to grab the tyrant by the neck. The realization that he is now being fucked, simply held in a canopy, like a girl weighing forty kilograms, heats up the unnatural excitement that has captured him to the limit. The guy cums, pressing into the tyrant’s chest, scorching his neck with frequent hot breath, and soon feels warm liquid filling him.

Leon exhaustedly allows himself to be lowered back onto the table. The coating greets hot skin with returning coolness. He closes his eyes and leans back, feeling completely defeated and exhausted. It seems that the whole body is permeated by an endless aching pain. And fatigue. He vaguely hears movement nearby, then heavy footsteps moving away, the sound of a door opening and closing. He just hopes that the other inhabitants of the site have not yet found this little room, because for at least the next few hours he is unlikely to be able to walk.
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